Sodium borohydride CAS 16940-66-2


From 20.00

CAS Number: 16940-66-2
PubChem Substance ID: 4311764



Sodium borohydride >98% CAS 16940-66-2

Sodium borohydride is a versatile reducing agent employed in a variety of synthetic applications. Conventionally used for the reduction of aldehydes and ketones it can also be used for imines, nitrostyrenes, nitropropenes and some olefins with the appropriate metal catalyst. The hydride is higly hygroscopic and unstable when wet, it must be stored away from light and moisture, it rapidly decomposes when in contact with acids.

Product is shipped in a PTFE bottle and safely packaged.

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Weight N/A

25g, 50g, 100g, 1000g


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